Email newsletters are majorly growing in popularity, says a recent report by the New York Times. “Newsletters are clicking because readers have grown tired of the endless stream of information on the Internet, and having something finite and recognizable show up in your inbox can impose order on all that chaos.”
In the constant stream of more and more information coming through the internet and all the different web sources, people appreciate seeing a curated list of content, a small snippet of things they need to read
We’ve long been advocates of the email newsletter. It’s interesting how some view email as an old marketing method, when it’s still part of the digital age. In fact, someone quoted in the Times story says “Email is dismissed as something old people use.”
But email is definitely on the rise. So if you don’t have an email newsletter, you should. And if you do, now’s a good time to take a fresh look at it. Are you sending people great content? Are you curating can’t-miss industry news and resources for them to learn about?
We’ve all got countless newsletters sent to our inboxes. So make yours count. Show clients and prospects why your business deserves a second look. Seek out and present irresistible content that makes people want more.