If you’re marketing a business in 2014, you’ve simply got to have a presence on social media. Social media changes so fast and often, it’s always important to keep tabs on the latest research.
Social Media Examiner posted a roundup of the latest social media research last month, and here are some takeaways to keep in mind, and stats to support them:
Facebook is everywhere! Utilize. Fifty-one perfect of users prefer to log into other websites using Facebook credentials than an email and password. Sixty-three percent of shoppers are likely to return to a website if there’s a social login. A shopping 92 percent of users would abandon a website rather than go through a “forgot your password” process.
Use Twitter for Customer service. More than half of customer service questions – 59.3 percent – are asked on Twitter.
Become multi-platform. Despite recent reports that teenagers were leaving Facebook, it’s actually not true. They’re still staying on Facebook, but also adopting more and more platforms. It’s always good to be on as many social networks as possible, but especially if your target market is teenagers.